And even more pooppy than before... I can't believe I was there again and left again. I don't regret any moment of it though, even though it all now feels like an awesome dream. Its so boring being back home, the streets are dull and shady, the people are dull and shady, and the shops are... dull and shady. At least Japan was fun and shady =P
Hmmm I guess I can say, when you leave Japan, everything feels like time has slowed down, people are careless and rude, and life is overall just plain boring. Well enough of my emo rant, now about why Japan is a hellava place!
So going back to Tokyo was as exciting and adventurous as the last trip. Even though we visited much of the places from the Tokyo Game Show Tour, it had a little more added, or was experienced differently (like more walking), and it was a little more peaceful and less stressful, because I wasn't desperately trying to get stuff or pictures.
Tokyo, with its Akihabara, Shibuya, Harajuku, and other prefectures, it sure is a wonderful storm of culture and views, if ya know what I mean. The Two new things during our stay in Tokyo were the Tokyo Anime Fair, and the Samurai Experience. Tokyo Anime Fair was like Anime Expo, and I love Anime Expo, but since this was in Japan, it got more points in my book! The Samurai Experience was basically short samurai lessons, and yes it ROCKED. Would've been more energetic, but this was our last stop in the day, and we had a FULL active day... "You're Breaking my Balls Mimi!" Of course, with my lack of rhythm, I was the one a little disoriented and screwing up, but I still had A LOT of fun and recommend it to all. Oh, and don't wear a skirt and semi-transparent nylons to a Samurai lesson, I thought we'd change to outfits...
So I know, pictures would be GREAT, so at the moment, I'm weeding through my images to better organize and such, but don't expect any Amazing quality photos, my camera decided to be shitty during the trip. A few good shots, but not a great as the last trips: one thing I regret was not going to an Onsen/Bath House. Maybe next time, but definitely still a dream of mine, but to go to one that's really traditional and a visual overload and in the mountains.
Now on to OSAKA, yes, it is so wonderful, it needed all caps. Osaka is like Tokyo, but more humble, happier and the people are way HOTTER! Great looking crowds, happy faces, jitensha(bikes) galore, lots of shops and great food all within walking distance. If there was one place or event that made me want a bike so bad, it be Osaka.
The nightlife was just as active and beautiful. Though I didn't get to adventure as much as I'd like, but I was also so exhausted from the previous fun days. The most beautiful event would have to be getting to Osaka on the Shinkansen, also known as the Bullet Train. I video taped the trip to and from Osaka and will post soon, but it was beautiful. It was like a Hayao Miyazaki film moment by moment. I was also listening to great music matching the view and making me cry.
During our stay in Osaka, we visited Kyoto. I wish to explore Kyoto more one day, because I LOVE the traditional aspect of Kyoto. The Temple on the Mountain, I believe Kiyomisu Temple, was amazing, the Nijo Castle was gorgeous, and all so surreal. The bus guided tour was fun overall, really liked Kyoto.
The only thing I hated was... The plane ride >< but I'll endure if it means Japan =P I'd like to Thank Intermixi tours for the yet again, wonderful experience, and I'll miss the friends met and laughs we shared. Oh and meeting up with a pal from that last tour, Will Tam, was awesome! My sister Angelica said "He's right where we left him" when we saw him at the airport immigration when we arrived lol =D Saying bye was tough this round too, usually happens when we say goodbye to friends that are going home to states far away. Hope to meet you all again, and see some of you at AX09!
Well onto the rest of my life...
I have an Art Show!! I know my work isn't really art show material, but I was excepted and I want to try it at least once. So here's the info:'ll be selling high quality and framed prints, $50-$100, depends. I'll have more info up soon.
I'm also heading to cold ass Germany >< Why you say? Well cause my Sis is there and me and my younger sis are going to help her move back here with her kids. We've been missing her crazy, so now that shes coming to stay, we had to be part, also because she'll be coming with our nephews, and we wanted to help her with the kids and luggage.
Still job searching, and working on lots of side art projects for friends and such mainly for portfolio since there's no money involved.