Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some Sketches and Photos

I've been attending Drink and Draw more often again, allowing me to get some more original sketches made. Since my laptop has been on the fritz lately, digital art has come to a halt. A lot of my personal projects are being considerably hindered by this, but I'm finding a way around it.

So here are some of the sketches, for more visit my facebook page The Art of Sasha Palacio

I had the opportunity to visit the amazing Getty Villa in Malibu, CA, and took as many wonderful photos I could with my amazing Nikon D300 camera. For more, and hi-res, photos please visit my Flickr Album: Getty Villa - A Day in Antiquity

Tonight I'll be going to a workshop at the Gnomon School of Visual Effect called Babe Lab: Sensitivity Training. A pin-up workshop on the do's and don't in drawing women. So expect more art updates soon!

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